
Evolve Tite allows us to deliver the skin-tightening energy of Forma to larger areas of the body.

Evolve Trim provides a series of Body FX applicators to reduce fat and tighten skin in a larger zone.

Evolve Tone involves electromagnetic energy that stimulates muscle contractions in different areas of the body.

You can select just one aspect of the Evolve trio or combine several different treatments. It all depends on your goals.

Evolve Pricing

  • 1 treatment session – $600
  • 3 treatment sessions – $1,700
  • 6 treatment sessions – $3,000
  • 9 treatment sessions – $4,000

Evolve Trim – Reduce unwanted Fat without Surgery

What is Evolve Trim?

Evolve Trim utilizes the proven technology of Body FX to reduce unwanted fat and cellulite.

How Does Evolve Trim Work?

Six Body FX devices on belts are held in place on the skin over areas of excess fat. The individual applicators can be placed in different patterns to achieve the maximum benefit for each patient.

Each device creates a vacuum that allows for uniform application of energy to the skin and underlying fat. This produces tightening. A special pulse of energy breaks the fat cells in the area of treatment.

The combination of toning and fat reduction is unique in the field of non-surgical fat reduction.

How many treatments do I need?

Best Results are achieved with a series of 6 treatments. Some patients choose to combine Trim with Tite to achieve even greater skin tightening.

Who is a candidate for Evolve Trim?

Useful as this technology may be, it is not the answer for someone who is overweight. Trim works best on people who have good habits of nutrition and exercise, but who are left with discrete areas of resistant fat. These areas may occur in the abdomen, around the waist, in the inner and outer thighs and the arms. Trim can also help reduce the appearance of moderate degrees of cellulite in patients with reasonably good skin tone. Evolve Trim works well on all skin types.

Evolve Tite – Tighten Skin without Surgery

What is Evolve Tite?

Evolve Tite uses the proven technology of Forma and radio frequency to tighten loose skin in a series of sessions.

How does Evolve Tite work?

We can set up to 8 applicators into a pattern that fits the specific area that needs tightening. These applicators deliver energy to the skin and to the areas immediately beneath the skin. A series of treatments causes a noticeable tightening.

Is Evolve Tite uncomfortable?

During your treatment you will experience a sense of warmth, similar to what you might feel during a hot stone massage. There is a call button that allows you to summon staff if you would like to reduce the heat.

How many treatments do I need?

For best results we recommend a series of weekly treatments over 6 to 8 weeks. Patients typically notice improvement after the first few treatments, and progress continues after that.

Who is a Candidate for Evolve Tite?

Evolve Tite works best in people who have mild to moderate skin laxity in specific areas of the body and who have good habits of nutrition and exercise. For people with significant, but not severe looseness Evolve Tite may represent an excellent choice.

It is possible to combine Evolve Tite with Evolve Trim for patients who have moderate fat excess and loose skin.

Evolve Tone

What is Evolve Tone?

Evolve tone uses electromagnetic energy to produce muscle contractions in the area of treatment. This causes an increase in the overall muscle mass and tone, so that there is an overall tighter feeling to the zone that has experienced treatment.

How Does Evolve Tone Work?

A series of applicators are placed over the zone to be treated. The energy causes a series of contractions of the muscles, which leads to increased muscle tone. This can lift the buttock and give a better appearance to other treated areas.

Is Evolve Tone a substitute for Exercise?

The simple answer is “no.” Treatments like Evolve Tone can produce a visible improvement in problem areas, and this can lead to new level of commitment to nutrition and exercise.

Can Evolve Tone be combined with the other Evolve Treatments?

Absolutely! The great thing about the Evolve Platform is that it can be customized to your individual needs. Evolve is the first system that can address all three major aspects of body shape: fat distribution, skin tone, and deep muscle tone. Our team can design a customized plan that is just right for you.